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Not sure where to start?

We understand that job seeking and managing your career can be overwhelming. Let us help to point you in the right direction.

Looking for a job?

If you’re ready for a move, we have some tools and advice to help.

Recent graduate?

Advice on using your qualifications and planning your career.

Looking into learning options?

Plan your learning journey around your career and life.

Job impacted by change

Our advice if you’re looking to go on a new career path.

Looking for redundancy support?

Redundancy Scotland: PACE have lots of information about how you can get the proper support you need when at risk or facing redundancy.

Visit Redundancy Scotland

New to Scotland?

If you’re preparing to live, work or study in Scotland from overseas, we've pulled together some resources to help you adjust.

Have you recently left the Armed Forces?

Leaving the Armed Forces is a big life change, for you and your family - and that's where we come in.

Thinking of retirement?

There’s plenty to consider as you decide when to stop work, and what you’ll do next. We've pulled together some useful online resources which might help.

Getting a job

If your main aim is finding and applying for jobs, go here for advice and guidance that can help.

Career advice

Conquer your career goals with practical tips, information and guidance to help you no matter what stage of your career you’re in.

Learn and train

If you’re considering applying for a course or searching for learning opportunities to boost your career, we have advice for you.