Working with additional support needs

With any job, finding the right information is essential. And, if you have additional support needs that could affect your work life, it’s important you access the support available.

We’ve pulled together some online resources to help you get off to a flying start.

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Need this information in another way?

We’ve created 2 videos using British Sign Language (BSL) and subtitles to tell you about SDS services. You'll be taken to our sister website My World of Work.

Watch now

Looking for a job

Support is available from the very beginning of your employment journey.

When reading job descriptions, look for the Disability Confident logo. This is awarded to employers who have committed to supporting people with disabilities. If a job listing displays the logo and you meet the basic requirements for the role, you’re guaranteed an interview.

Similarly, has advice on looking for work and guidance about your rights. As a person with a disability, this can protect you from discrimination in the workplace. also has information about how your local Jobcentre can help you find a job or get new skills and benefits you may be entitled to during your job search.

Disability Confident Logo (1)

Declaring a disability

If an employer is not aware of your disability, they may not be able to accommodate your needs in an interview or at work.

There is no obligation to disclose a disability to your employer. But, if you decide to, you are protected under the Equality Act 2010. This means:

  • employers cannot treat you poorly for any reason connected to your disability
  • your employer has a duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure you are not seriously disadvantaged when doing your job


If you decide to declare your disability, your HR file will be updated to include this information.

Information about your condition is covered by the Data Protection Act which means it cannot be passed to any third party without your written consent.

Supported Employment

If you have a disability, health problem or other barrier to work, you can get help through the Supported Employment Framework for Scotland.

Supported Employment support people with disabilities or long-term health conditions in getting paid work.

Find out more by visiting

Access to work

Access to work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition.

You can apply for:

  • a grant to help pay for practical support at work, such as BSL interpreters, taxi fares or a support worker
  • advice on managing your mental health at work
  • money to pay for communication support at job interviews

Find out more by visiting

Person Working From Home

How we can help

Your local Skills Development Scotland centre can give you, or the person you’re caring for, tailored advice. You can speak to a career adviser on the phone. Our helpline is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

0800 917 8000