Where to start researching for your career

Find out where to look for help with job hunting and researching careers

What you will learn

  • Which key areas you need to be looking out for in your career or job research
  • Ways to find out information in person and virtually
Person On Laptop

Researching careers can help you understand what’s out there and what options are open to you. It can also help you work out what you want to do if you are unsure.

Whatever stage you’re at in your working life, knowing where to look for information on careers will help you take the next step. Our 'Horizon Scanning' webinar has been designed to help you explore the options available to you and help you put plans into action.

When researching careers look out for:

  • The key skills required for this job
  • Growth areas - are there likely to be jobs available in the future?
  • Would you need to relocate or travel?
  • Jobs where you could use your transferable skills
  • Similar jobs that might suit you better

Explore our job profiles

The job profiles available on My World of Work are a great place to start looking. There are over 600 different job profiles. Each has information on the labour market including how many people are currently employed in this role in Scotland, the potential growth in this area over the next five years along with what’s involved in the role, salary and the qualifications or experience you might need.

Use your networks

Speak to your friends and family, or people you’ve worked with in the past. Do you know anyone who works in the industry you’re interested in or can someone from your network put you in touch with someone who can help?

If you don’t know anyone who can help you try to develop some new contacts by networking. Social media sites like LinkedIn are ideal for this. Use your account to follow companies you’d like to work for, job sites and recruiters. Join online groups connected to the industry you want to get into and grow your connections.

Research online

Social media isn’t the only option for online research. Look for job sites relating to the specific industry you’re interested in and search their job listings. You can usually create an email alert with them which means you’ll be emailed when a new job with your search terms is posted.

There might also be an professional body website that will provide good information on different roles and vacancies. If you have a company in mind, check their website as they may advertise vacancies there. Also do a search for similar companies and see if you can add to your list of employers you're interested in working for.

Attend job fairs

Job fairs are an ideal opportunity to meet employers, ask questions about the role and industry and find out about upcoming vacancies. Most job fairs might be virtual right now but it’s still good way to network and make new connections with people who might be able to help you progress.

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